To be read and signed by all persons intending to participate and/or volunteer for a Buzzards Bay Area Habitat for Humanity build.
WAIVER LIMITATION OF LIABILITY To the fullest extent permitted by law, I, the undersigned, (or parent/legal guardian of the above named individual) hereby waive and forever release Buzzards Bay Area Habitat for Humanity, Inc. (“Habitat for Humanity”) its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, parent organizations, successors, assigns, other volunteer organizations, volunteers, contractors, subcontractors, any other individual at any Habitat for Humanity property or function, and any other parties in interest to the construction of any property by or on behalf of Habitat for Humanity from all claims, demands, grievances, and causes of action of every kind whatsoever including but not limited to, all liability for injuries and/or damages of every kind, nature or description which may hereafter arise from or out of my (or the named individual’s) involvement and participation in such construction, or any event related to Habitat for Humanity beyond the coverage granted and the limits of liability of Habitat for Humanity’s Limited Accident Policy.
I grant full permission for organizers to use photographs of me and quotations from me in legitimate accounts and promotions.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Date of Birth (needed to confirm signature)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
In case of emergency, please contact:
Contact 1:
Contact 2:
Thank you! Together we can make a difference.